View from the Launch – December 2019

2024-08-28T12:51:08+00:00December 9, 2019|News|

The Christmas Holiday is on the near horizon and it has been another eventful half term.  The Warrington Schools have settled into the winter routine, which sadly means that the gym at WRC is being very heavily used and Mrs Mersey is being left alone to rest on her bed. There are some impressive young athletes coming through and they are all working hard in the gym. From the evidence we have seen, WYR will be sending a very strong team to The National Junior Indoor Rowing Championships (NJIRC) in February.  Let’s hope we can harvest a few medals to go with the ones from previous years.

I am pleased with the way everybody in Liverpool has rolled up their sleeves and is making the most of a bad job. This half term has been a challenge and next half term will continue to be so. The schools have reacted well and have found areas that we can use to run indoor rowing sessions. As in Warrington there are some talented young athletes emerging and some of the scores are very impressive. MYR should be in a good position to send a strong team for their first visit to NJIRC and let’s hope they can get onto the podium. I would like to thank our coaches in Liverpool as they are doing a great job. The hassle they have picking up the rowing machines is way beyond the job description, but they get on with it and then use their own cars to transport the machines to the schools. This is all to ensure the scheme keeps moving forward, so thanks Paul, Sam and Jess (I know it’s a pain in the sitting area as I do it sometimes!).

I do keep referring to NJIRC and for those of you that have not been it is an incredible experience for the youngsters. It will be held at the Copper Box Arena again this year and as you may remember this is one of the iconic venues for the 2012 Olympics. The date is Friday 28th February and the plan is for the MYR crew to leave Lime Street at 7.00am and WYR to leave Bank Quay at 7.20am. Both trains arrive at Euston at 9.03 and 9.06. We will then walk to St Pancras and catch another train, arriving on site just after 10am. After a full day’s racing we will return to St Pancras and find somewhere to eat (probably McDonalds). Trains arrive back at Lime Street at 20.20 and Bank Quay at 19.49. For each school that has a pupil selected for NJIRC, we require a member of staff to accompany them so please be thinking about the date. We will pay all rail fares, competition fees, kit and evening meal.

As you can imagine the NJIRC trip is a huge expense and it will cost us the best part of £3.5k. It is though, an important part of what we do and as such we hold a major fundraising dinner to pay for the trip. This year’s event was in early November and was once again a fantastic event. The event consists of a four course meal with a different wine to accompany each dish.  This year we were joined by over 100 guests, including Mark Davies, Chair of British Rowing and I am pleased to report that all our guests were very generous with their support. Next year’s event is provisionally booked for 13th November 2020 and your support would be greatly appreciated, more details later in the year. The trip in February has also benefited from the direct support of The Henley Stewards’ Charitable Trust and we thank them for their continued support.

To qualify for the NJIRC trip our youngsters have to be selected and we use our own indoor competitions to do this.

The Liverpool Competition is going to be held on Wednesday 29th January at Cardinal Heenan. The plan at present is to run 2 sessions, one for the girls and one for the boys, but more details will be sent through by Jo Murray.

The Warrington Competition (which will also double up as The Cheshire School Games) will be held at Birchwood School Sports Hall on Thursday 30th January. Again there will be 2 main sessions and schools can decide if they want to do morning or afternoon. Penny Moorfield will be sending through details.

These events are going ahead with help from Concept Rowing Machines and Dan Heatherington of British Rowing.

In Liverpool we recently held our first capsize drill and the help of Nicky Rea and De La Salle was greatly appreciated. The drill gives our youngsters a taste of what might happen should their boat capsize; it teaches them to stay with their boat and use it as a floatation device. During this exercise we also test the swimming ability of our athletes. Interestingly the standard of swimming in Liverpool was significantly higher than in Warrington. Next year our capsize drills will be in the week after our Welcome Evenings, in order to find any children that are scared of water before we get to deep into the programme.

I am in communication with Liverpool John Moores University as they are hoping to conduct a study and evaluation of our work. It does though look like their project will now not start till the next academic year. This has the potential to be a very valuable piece of work and I hope the paper work jungle will be sorted by September enabling the project to start.

In November, Ben and I were invited to speak at The River and Rowing Museum Conference on Rowing Futures. It was a very interesting experience and we were speaking alongside London Youth Rowing and Fulham Reach, we work closely with these London based organisations and our aims are very similar. We highlighted our work and were genuinely taken aback by the emotional and enthusiastic response we got to our presentation. Whilst we were in Henley we took the opportunity to catch up with The Henley Stewards’ Charitable Trust. As you are probably aware we are funded primarily by this organisation and we had a very positive meeting with them. The Trust is very keen for us to keep going and move forward, possibly looking at more sites in the future.

Please feel free to come and visit us, we are always happy to welcome guests; we might even get you in a boat!

Richard Sinnott

View from the Gym – March 2019

2024-08-28T12:36:44+00:00March 28, 2019|News|

Sadly we are still in the gym for the majority of our sessions. We had a brief respite when the summer visited February but it soon ran off, thinking better of its daring show. Much of our work has been on general fitness and our young rowers have been training hard doing a lot of circuit training.

Since our own competition at The Halliwell Jones some of our athletes have been on duty, racing in Northwich and or London. The Cheshire School Sports Indoor Rowing Competition took place in Northwich. Three of our schools took part, Birchwood, Culcheth and Sir Thomas Boteler. The majority of our teams were made up of rowers that had been involved with WYR and they performed very well indeed. A lot of the other schools that attended had rowers in their teams that are training with local rowing clubs and their superior fitness and technique did show in certain events. Never the less our youngsters rolled up their sleeves and won several events. This event needs supporting but it fell badly, with the London trip in the same week. Understandably staff pressures got the better of some schools.  In an effort to help Warrington Youth Rowing have offered to take over the running of this event and combine it with our own competition. (30th January 2020 Birchwood).  Hopefully we will be able to confirm this idea soon.

Friday 15th March finds The Warrington Youth Rowing Team waiting, at Bank Quay Station for a train to London and The National Junior Indoor Rowing Championships. The 6.20am service got us into Euston at 8.30am and from there we walked to St Pancras to catch another train to Stratford and the Copper Box Arena. We eventually established base camp, just after 10am and the youngsters slowly started to bond, breaking down any school barriers. I have to say the school leads were great, getting stuck in with the group, regardless of the origin of the children. It was at this stage that the team came together and we were now Team Warrington, a big step for the athletes. The NJIRC is so big that there are 4 race areas, each with some 30 rowing machines. With some events having about 200 competitors there are effectively 6 or 7 groups or heats to race before a winner can be declared.

Our first race was the year 8 boys and our lads were split up into different heats. The five lads did very well with Alfie and Tom both ending up in the top 10 of the overall results. This event attracted 194 entries.

The year 8 girls were next in the arena and again they were a great credit. Special mention must go to Amy, who must be one of the most determined athletes I have ever worked with. She managed to get into the top 10 when the results surfaced. This was the biggest event with 196 entries.

Our two year 9 boys now took to the race floor and again performed beyond expectations. Jonah came in a creditable 17th and Michael finished 4th the worst place of all.  There were 185 entries in this event.

The relays were next up and we entered a year 8 boys and girls team. Both teams rowed themselves into the ground with the boys finishing 12 out of 84. The girls won their heat and had high hopes of a medal but sadly they finished 5th out of 72 teams. What we didn’t realise at the time was that the relays were open to children older than year 8, a lesson learnt for next year!

Our last event was the year 10 girls. Ellie had picked up a bronze medal last year, as a year 9 and was keen to add to her collection. Her pal Ifi was also in this event and they train together at Warrington Rowing Club. The girl’s often race together, so there is a healthy rivalry that sits along side their great friendship. This event showed us the two sides of competitive sport. Elle upped her game and came home with a fantastic silver medal. Ifi missed the bronze by 3 metres, needless to say she was absolutely devastated and it took her a good 2 hours to regain her composure. She did and it has made her more determined never to be 4th again.

The journey home began via a pit stop at McDonalds and the Warrington Team arrived back at Bank Quay just after 8.30pm.

This event is a great shop window for Warrington Youth Rowing and it is certainly in our plans to repeat the exercise next year. It may well be the biggest sporting event these youngsters ever take part in, it should provide them with lasting memories and I hope new friends.

I must thank lots of people for making it happen. The School’s and the leads that travelled. Namely Paula, Nat, Kerry, Ryan, Scott, Mark and Paul our WYR coach. We must also remember the folk that got together last year at Mere Court Hotel for our fundraising dinner; they will be pleased that their hangovers provided so much enjoyment!

Monday was The Scullery, one of the biggest rowing events in GB. It takes place on Dorney Lake, the home of 2012 Olympics. Warrington Rowing Club entered 6 crews (out of 550). A number of these boats contained WYR athletes and I am sure they will have retuned with a tale or two to tell.

Monday was also the day that Ben and I had a face too face meeting with Henley Stewards Charitable Trust. The meeting was also at Dorney Lake and it was very helpful to be able to illustrate our presentation with some of our WYR graduates actually taking part in this huge event. This is the organisation that generously sponsors us and makes a lot of things happen. We spent the best part of 90 minutes talking about our project and the fantastic schools that we deal with. It is a privilege to be dealing with such a wonderful and prestigious organisation that is managed by people dedicated to sport and the well being of youngsters.

The weather is slowly improving and there is still plenty of room in the coaching launches for any members of school hierarchy to come and witness our programme. The Chair of British Rowing is coming on Friday March 29th to check us out, I am sure he would like to meet any Heads that would be available?

Kind regards



View from the Gym – Feb 2019

2024-08-28T12:38:09+00:00February 3, 2019|News|

The New Year has seen us working in the gym at Warrington Rowing Club for two reasons. Firstly it’s been very cold and secondly it has been an opportunity for the rowers to prepare for our Indoor Competition. Paul, the School Leads and myself have worked the children very hard. In every session they completed their test distance and also did a relay practice. We did intersperse the hard work with games such as Hangman, testing their knowledge of rowing terms and spelling of said terms! As we got closer to our competition the results got better and better, indeed in the last couple of weeks before the event it was almost the norm for new PB’s to be chalked up.

As for the competition it was a memorable day. The volunteers that helped out have all said how impressed they were with our/your youngsters. In fact I have not received a negative comment from them about the rowers, quite remarkable for 30 volunteers and nearly 200 pupils. A huge thanks to all the volunteers, especially Ralph Johnson (Birchwood), Nick Hubble (Peterborough Rowing Club) and Dan Heatherington from British Rowing.

On the day of the competition Mother Nature decided to intervene and remind us that she is still to be respected. It was probably the worst day of the winter so far for bad weather. Sadly this meant that we lost a couple of schools, with Culcheth being the biggest loss as well as the team from Woolston Brook. The army of volunteers started to arrive at 7am to setup the event, with 30 rowing machines being put together, wired up and then fenced off.  At 9.00am the volunteers raced to test the machines, race systems and computers.

The venue, The Halliwell Jones Stadium, is a great attraction in itself and I would be delighted to receive feedback from you as to the suitability of the stadium. There were lots of positives but negatives as well, temperature certainly being a problem. Please let us have your thoughts as we are already planning 2020 and we want to be bigger and better. We did try and put together other things for the children to do but again I am not sure how much use this was, comments please.

The results have been emailed to the schools and you will see there are some great results. This leads us to the National Junior Indoor Rowing Championships (NJIRC) to be held at The Copper Box, Olympic Park, London.  One of the objects of our event was to select a Warrington team for NJIRC. We would like to invite the following athletes and a School Lead per school to join our team on Friday 15th March. (Leaving Bank Quay at 6.22am returning 8.34pm).

Alfie Fairhill and Charie Lears         Cardinal Newman

Evan Wray and Amy Groves            Birchwood

Tom Gilmore                                      S T Boteler

Ryan Edwards and Emily Sankey    Bridgewater

Amelia North and Poppy Wild         Penketh

Grace Bain                                          Padgate

This is not the final team but I am happy to get things moving for the above. I do hope they will all be able to join us, it is an amazing event. We will cover the cost of the train and connection in London, the competition entry fee, and a burger type meal at teatime on the way home. As per last year could we ask for a £50 (payable to Warrington Youth Rowing) contribution per athlete to help spread the cost of the event, train tickets alone will be £850!

There is another indoor rowing event on the horizon; it takes place on Tuesday 12 March at The Memorial Hall in Northwich. This event is part of The School Games and is being promoted in Warrington by Penny Moorfield, School Games Organiser. Penny was a great help with our event and she enabled us to hire a van to collect and return the rowing machines from Nottingham. Penny also provided the medals for our competition. It would be a nice way to pay her back if we could support this event.

Hopefully we have seen the worst of winter (fingers crossed it’s better than last year) and we can start getting back to the business of rowing on The Mersey. We are not far from half way through the school year and the next big competition is Tuesday 2nd July. Plenty of room in the coaching launches for School Heads to come and have a look at our work and how good your pupils are.

Kind regards

Richard and all at WYR

View from the Launch – 14 December 2018

2024-08-28T12:52:07+00:00December 9, 2018|News|

This will be the last View From The Launch of 2018. Where has that year gone?

It’s been a big year for WYR. We have done lots of things, hopefully all for the benefit of the youngsters. We have become an official charity with 4 Trustees. You will be aware of myself and of course Ben but we also have Jenny Argent and Annie White beavering away behind the scenes as active Trustees. We have an accountant, Richard Kong and a gang of Ambassadors. Paul and our crew of coaches work hard to keep the rowers motivated and on their toes. I am sure you will join me in thanking them all for their hard work and wishing the team a Happy Christmas and a Great New Year.

Some of the highlights of 2018 have include our indoor competition at Priestley. The excellent regatta at the end of the last school year, which showcased our young rowers talents. WYR being featured at Henley Royal Regatta, with a display of photographs that highlighted the work we are doing.  The school leads getting to grips with coaching and many of them gaining qualifications in rowing and launch driving. Being mentioned in The Times. Showing some of you Henley Royal Regatta, a hard task but we managed it! With out doubt the stars/highlights of the show are of course the athletes.

On a personal note it has been very rewarding to see the effect the project has had on the youngsters. I am not going to claim we had 100% success but I do believe that we have enhanced the lives of many of our pupils. Lets hope we can continue to develop and help more youngsters in 2019.

Over the last 3 weeks we have started to work in the gym as temperatures have dropped below 5c. Some schools have been very unlucky and have been land based more than others. Yet the lucky one’s such as Bridgewater have managed to get on the water every week. We are starting to get an idea of the capabilities of our young rowers in the gym. They are all working hard and one or two are starting to emerge as medal candidates at NJIRC (National Junior Indoor Rowing Championships). The relay races at our own event in January are going to be very interesting and will be very close. It will probably come down to the rower changeovers; they need to be Formula One standard!

Ben and I are starting to get logistics sorted for our event on Wednesday 30th January. He has mailed out some information and will be sending more out by the end of the weekend. Part of this is an estimation of numbers that you think will be able to participate in January. This is vital information for us and can I ask for reply’s by the end of Wednesday next week. We do want to keep the event primarily for Pupil Premium but we are happy to accept entries from other sectors to make up the teams. There will be other schools taking part but the Warrington Youth Rowing team for NJIRC will only be selected from pupils that regularly take part in our project.

That’s it for now, may I finish by wishing you all a good break, a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

Cheers Richard

School of Week 10 Culcheth, great session, Week 11 STB solid gym work,

Week12 Beamont strong numbers

View from the Launch – 23rd Nov 2018

2024-08-28T12:52:11+00:00November 23, 2018|News|

This two-week block has been notable for the continued emergence of the wonderful Warrington Youth Rowing kit. I know some schools are still getting orders together but I would think that by next term all our rowers should be sorted with their new kit. Some of the session coaches have also purchased the kit, we will stand out in a crowd!

It was very nice to see that Mike Cooper of Warrington Wolves and Bubble Clothing took time out to come and visit one of our sessions. He popped in last week and spent time with the rowers from UAW. Mike jumped at the chance to jump in a launch with me and see what this rowing lark is all about. He was genuinely impressed and I hope he will pop down again to catch up with some other schools. One of our ambassadors Lucy Glover also visited last week, she was on her way home from GB Trials. Once again she performed well at trials and it is a credit to her that she can take time out of her very busy schedule to visit us. She did a question and answer session with the pupils from Penketh, I wonder if they will remember in a few years that they were talking to a Rowing World Champion?

This time last week I was meeting with Ben Dunne and Matt Rostron. Matt is the CEO of London Youth Rowing, a much bigger organisation than WYR. We work very closely with them and they are really like our big brother.  We have similar aims and goals but we go about our business in slightly different ways, both of us with our own personality and strengths. Matt was in Warrington to be our guest of honour at the Annual Warrington Youth Rowing Dinner. He delivered a very gutsy and emotional talk about the work of LYR and his observations of WYR. This was a fabulous evening and a great success. We raised enough money to cornerstone our trip down to London to take some of our year 8 athletes to The National Junior Champs at The Copper Box. It would be nice to get some of you to this function next year? !

Before we go to London though there is the small matter of our own Indoor Event to be held at The Haliwell Jones Stadium on Wednesday 30th January. We are still working on the final details and we hope to give you more information very soon. We will be inviting schools from outside of Warrington to try and make it a true North West Event. As I mentioned above we would like to take our best Year 8s to London and this event will be the selection event for that trip. The pupils selected for the London Trip will only be selected from the 8 schools in our project. As well as rowing races there will be other things for the youngsters to do. We have positive interest from Birchwood College, Priestley College, Warrington/Vale Royal College, Warrington Youth Club, Warrington Wolves Foundation. The Army, Navy and RAF. There are more but you get the idea!

Another thing that came out of our meeting with Matt Rostron was the importance of feedback from the schools. As we move forward we are going to have to start pitching for funding to carry on with this great project. We need information and details of improvements that you may have noticed in the pupils. We have had some feedback, especially from UAW and that has been very valuable. This is more Ben’s area than mine and I am sure he will be chasing you!

I have been watching our school leads closely this term and it is truly wonderful to see them getting to grips with the coaching. There are three PE Teachers, all non rowers but it is obvious that they can describe movement and how to apply it, hate to admit it but I have learnt a bit from them as well! There are three/four Pastoral Leads and again it’s obvious that they are comfortable with the pupils and they have been working well with them. Then there is Birchwood, a bit different but hell that works as well!

As we are approaching the cold season I would just like to clarify my decision making process regarding rowing outside or a gym sessions. I use The Met Office App with Howley set as the location. If the forecast temperature is below 5 or indeed the wind chill is below 5, we will be in the gym. We will also adhere to any other weather warnings on the app.

We are rapidly approaching December and I know that the last two weeks of term can be cocktail of different activities. If you know that you re going to have to miss a session please give us plenty of notice. Thanks in advance.

Schools of The Week

Week 8 Bridgwater mainly for the girls getting further than any other crew.

Week 9 Cardinal Newman Strong session in the gym



PS still plenty of room for a Heads visit!

View from the Launch – 9th November 2018

2024-08-28T12:41:01+00:00November 9, 2018|News|

Half term is now a distant memory and the long slog towards Christmas is well under way. Eight weeks for most schools does feel like a long time, even for an old campaigner like me, I used to get 20 days holiday a year!

This season started well on the 29th October with a beautiful bright crisp morning. The team from Sir Thomas Boteler quickly got into the swing of things and made the most of the weather, progressing further up the river than any other group to that date. The gang from Bridgewater were next and then the older rowers followed them from UAW. It really was a delightful day, it re-enforced what a beautiful river/playground we have.  The rest of the week went according to plan and all the groups are progressing well. We started to introduce the sliding seat to the youngsters and they are getting to grips with this concept, some quicker than others.

This week we were back to full strength as Beamont returned after their 2 week half term. Sadly their session had to be in the gym due to poor weather conditions. For the groups that got on the river we focused on trying to get the rowers to work together, this might seem an obvious thing but it is a huge step to take and one that takes a while to really grind in. For those of you that are non-rowers imagine going into a gym and getting on the gymnastics beam, can you even walk along it? Now imagine doing 30 squat thrusts on the beam, hard work let alone keeping your balance. Lets ramp up the pressure, now do your 30 squat thrusts on the beam with 3 other people, all of you doing exactly the same thing at the same time. That is an idea of the skills we are trying to impart to our young rowers.

All of our schools this year are progressing well and I am convinced that our move to year 8 has been a good thing. Attention, enthusiasm and behaviour is definitely of a higher standard. One or two of the athletes are starting to be invited to join the rowing club. More will be invited as the group develops and improves technically.

As I have said in previous reports I am delighted with the input that we are getting from the school leads. All schools now have strong capable leadership and the competitive side of them is starting to show! Paul and myself are purposely letting the leads do as much as possible in terms of coaching and launch driving. We are never far away and step in as and when needed. This all helps with the long term sustainability of the project.

The new “Bubble” kit is starting to make an appearance and it looks fantastic. As I understand it all our schools are going for this package, although some of you are still sorting out the details and paperwork. A big thanks is due to Mike and Sam of Bubble for making this happen. Hopefully you have seen the last of our moans about poor kit and hoodies!

Whilst on the subject of new kit we took the delivery of some new oars this week. For various technical reasons we need to use slightly shorter oars and The Henley Stewards have, once again stepped in to help out. Their support for our project is invaluable and we can’t thank them enough.

School Heads, we are still waiting to entertain you! Come along and get a feel for the tremendous things your students are doing. Can I also please remind you that we need more evidence from you as to the value of our project. This is very important, this is how we will be measured/quantified in the coming years.

Wellies will be needed soon!

Schools of the week

Week 6 Birchwood – Good technical work

Week 7 Beamont – Strong start in the gym



View from the Launch – 19th October 2018

2024-08-28T12:52:12+00:00October 19, 2018|News|

Half term is upon us and our students are now well and truly into the swing of things. All 8 schools are up and rowing or should I be politically correct and say sculling. The list below is the status of our school leads in terms of rowing experience.

Sir Thomas Boteler   Kerry        RYA Powerboat       BR Session Coach

Bridgewater                Mark          RYA Powerboat       BR Session Coach

U A W                             Matt            RYA Powerboat

Natalie        RYA Powerboat

Penketh                        Ryan           RYA Powerboat

Culcheth                       Rachael                                          BR Session Coach

Active member of Agecroft

Birchwood                  Ralph        RYA Powerboat       BR Session Coach

Paula         RYA Powerboat       BR Session Coach

Just joined Warrington Rowing Cub

Beamont                      Rachel      RYA Powerboat       BR Session Coach

Cardinal Newman    Scott         RYA Powerboat       BR Session Coach

There are a number of gaps but the individuals are keen to get the qualifications as soon as possible. My personal view is that this show of dedication to the cause is fantastic and will enable us to move forward and add sustainability to the project. WYR would like to thank all the schools for your help, with this part of the project.

Head Teachers? It’s your turn now to pop along and see what we are up to. Misia at UAW and Andy at Beamont have been along for a trip in our coaching launches, watching their students. You are all most welcome and it is a great way to get a flavour of our scheme. You can also experience the beauty of The River Mersey, one of Warrington’s best kept secrets.

Over the last two weeks we have been putting our young rowers through a swimming test and capsize drill. All 8 schools have now had a session in the pool at Broomfields. We put the pupils through a controlled capsize drill and for some of them it was a very stressful experience but they all survived! We also did a swimming test and I was very saddened to see that there was only one possibly two pupils that were good swimmers. The rest were poor at best or non-swimmers. Frighteningly lots of them said they could swim and they blatantly couldn’t. In view of this we will be permanently using Buoyancy Aids for all pupils.

On the water we are starting to get going and we are slowly developing the rowing stroke. There are a number of youngsters that are catching the eye and I will be extending invites for them to try out for Warrington Rowing Club.

Hopefully we will be on the water more this winter, we lost December to February last winter due to the cold conditions. This did mean that we could work a lot in the gym but we would much prefer to be out on the water. This will hopefully improve the student’s technique in the boat and on the indoor ergometer.

Don’t forget the Indoor Rowing Competition on Wednesday 30th January 2019 the best of the rowers will be invited to represent Warrington Youth Rowing at The National Junior Indoor Rowing Championships. This event is on Friday 15th March at The Copper Box in London, train tickets are already booked!

We are looking forward to seeing everybody in the new rowing kit. I think all the schools have gone for the package. As it gets wetter we are probably going to need wellies as well. There are usually plenty of them at WRC for the rowers to borrow.

Invoices went out last week and with my Warrington Rowing club hat on could I ask that you expedite them as efficiently as possible.

Lastly a quick reminder about our fund raising event. Friday 16 November at Mere Court. The profit goes directly to paying for the London trip. If you are interested please contact me.

Have a good break and see you all soon.



View from the Launch – 5th October 2018

2024-08-28T12:52:16+00:00October 5, 2018|News|

Well the new year is now under way and this is our review of the first couple of weeks. Sadly this report will no longer be weekly as the responsibility now falls on my shoulders and shall we say I am not a natural at report writing. I will endeavour to put together a missive a couple of times per half term.

The Launch Evening on Thursday 20th was a great success and we were delighted with the turn out. It is great to see the youngsters and their families coming along and getting a flavour of what is instal for them over the coming year. Mike Cooper was very impressed and enjoyed meeting our new young rowers. A special mention must go to UAW for their turn out, full numbers and all in uniform, a great start.

Mike Cooper of Bubble Clothing has now produced his kit package and you should all have details of the bundle. It looks great value and will help greatly with the appearance and suitability of their clothing. If by chance you have not seen this offer please let me know.

Nearly all schools have now started and by next week we will be under way with all our new athletes. The first session that we delivered to the novice rowers was an introduction to the sport and a safety briefing that was hidden within a boathouse quiz. Some of the schools also spent time in the gym, getting a flavour of the basics.

The second session for the schools involved an introduction to the boats and tentative first steps to becoming rowers. We might have called this a taster session but sadly Sir Thomas Boteler boys literally got to taste the river. They capsized due to a combination of factors that included trying them in racing boats from day one. This is a practice that is used a lot, by many rowing clubs, even so we will be reverting to the wider more stable boats for the next sessions. I do hope this incident did not put any of the youngsters off.

The boat that was involved in this incident is going to have to be replaced as it suffered high levels of damage during the capsize. There is absolutely no blame for this on the people involved, it is simply a matter of fact. It was an old boat, perfectly safe but it does though illustrate the costs of this sport as the new boat will cost £13k.

The move to year 8 looks like a good move and I do hope we can hold onto them for a couple of years, there are certainly some characters emerging already. Warrington Rowing Club have asked me to try and recruit some of these new rowers into the junior ranks of the club. I will be watching and extending invites over the next few months.

It has been a great pleasure to see some of last years athletes return as year 10’s.

A reminder that its Capsize Drill for the next two Mondays. Please be on time and the times listed below are poolside times.

Most schools should by now (or by 5pm today) have qualified launch drivers. Can I thank the schools for arranging time and cover to ensure that your staff get this vital qualification. Most schools should also have a qualified coach and the combination of these two factors will make a huge difference in time, allowing us to expand our numbers.

Can I remind you of a couple of things?

We need as many testimonials as possible!

Fundraising dinner on 16 November to pay for our trip to London for The National Junior Indoor Rowing Championships. We have just purchased the train tickets at £750!

The WhatsApp Group for leads is working well, please let me know if anybody needs adding.

Schools of The Week

Week One – UAW – Great turn out at Presentation Evening

Week Two – Penketh – Good turn out and strong numbers.

Week Three – Sir Thomas Boteler – Especially the boys for reacting well and doing the right think during the capsize!

Kind regards


View from the Launch – September 2018

2024-08-28T12:44:54+00:00September 15, 2018|News|

View From The Launch


September 2018


A new year beckons and lots of new opportunities present themselves. Lets hope we can build on the huge success of the last two years.

First thing to mention is that Phil Lyons has moved on and he will be greatly missed. His input has been tremendous and without him we certainly wouldn’t be where we are now. We wish him all the best for his next venture, whatever that might be.

We will though be keeping in contact as he has agreed to be an ambassador for Warrington Youth Rowing. Joining him as an ambassador will be Warrington Rowing Club’s Lucy Glover. For those of you that don’t know Lucy was the first member of WRC to be crowned a World Champion whilst still a member of WRC. Although she is now a student at Edinburgh she is still active at WRC and has been known to help out with our sessions!

Replacing Phil will be Paul Johansen. Paul is just about to embark on a Masters Course at LJMU in a sport related subject. Paul has a varied rowing CV and he is well qualified to fill the gap left by Phil.

Thinking back to last year we would be interested to hear from you if you think we can improve in any way. It might also be interesting to hear about the things that you think we do well?

A couple of schools sent us information about the impact of the project on your pupils. This is very important information for us and can I urge you to please help gather as much information as possible. We still have confirmed funding for the next two academic years but after that we need this type of information to support funding bids to extend the life of this project.

In a bid to extend and increase the size of the project we invited the school leads to enrol on a coaching course. I was amazed and humbled that 7 of our leads from 6 schools gave up their valuable holiday time in August to become rowing coaches. I think its fair to say that they all enjoyed it! The next stage of this process is to get these leads qualified to drive the safety launches at WRC. With this in mind I have circulated dates that are available for these 2day courses. WYR will organise the funding for them.

Can I ask please for confirmation of Key School dates, as I know that at least one school has two weeks in October as opposed to one week for the others? Easter last year was a mess for us with different holiday schedules, which lead to a lot of confusion at our end.

Kit. Can we please get on top of this as early as possible, last year we spent a lot of time talking to the students about inappropriate clothing. Can I suggest if the kit is not right they don’t leave school?  If the schools are buying kit please remember no hoodies.


Thursday 20 September. Launch event 6pm-7pm Priestley College.

Monday 24 September. All schools invited to start this week.

Monday 8 October.  Capsize Drill Broomfields/Bridgewater Pool 1-3pm

4 schools to have a ½ hour slot each.

Monday 15 October. Capsize Drill Broomfields/Bridgewater Pool 1-3pm

4 schools to have a ½ hour slot each.

Please can the schools bid for the week and time slot that they would prefer to do this very important drill. So far I have Birchwood for w/c 15.

Please also note that if you choose w/c 8 Oct for the capsize drill this will be your only rowing session for the week. Like wise for the following week.

Wed 30 Jan 2019 Indoor Rowing Competition at Warrington Wolves Stadium.

We need to collect (day before) and return (day after) 30 rowing machines from Nottingham for this event. If any schools can help with this we would be very grateful.

Fri 15 March. National Junior Indoor Rowing Competition. Copper Box London.

Athletes to be selected for this competition from our event on 30/01/2019

Tuesday 2 July WYR Regatta at Warrington Rowing Club

We have moved this forward to try and avoid clashes with school trips and other events. The pupils work hard throughout the year and it is a shame if they can’t showcase their talents and so we have moved to this day. It will be the only rowing session that week.

Friday 16 November – Fund Raising Event. Mere Court Hotel.

I have run this event for many years, I used to be a Wine Merchant and this was one of the events that I ran to promote business. As from last year it has become a fund raiser for WYR and indeed it funded the London trip to NJIRC. The plan is to do the same this year. It is a great event, somewhat different to your average fundraiser. All the fundraising is done within 10 minutes via a game of Heads and Tails. This year our guest of honour is Matt Rostron CEO of London Youth Rowing and he will speak about his experiences with LYR. It is a very social event with plenty of time to relax and enjoy good company. There is a four course meal and five glasses of wine (about a bottle per person). Each wine, chosen by me, will compliment the menu and I will even talk about that at the dinner.

Prices – Meal and Wine only £50 per person (book direct with me 07970796917)

For those wishing to stay. £155 per couple inc meal, wine, room and breakfast . (book direct with hotel 01565 831000)

It is a good fun evening and probably the best value event of this type by miles!

Cheers Richard 07970 796917

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